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Did you take Truvada®, Viread®, Atripla®, Complera®, or Stribild® to treat or prevent HIV and experienced kidney or bone injuries?

Did you take Truvada®, Viread®, Atripla®, Complera®, or Stribild® to treat or prevent HIV and experienced kidney or bone injuries?

If you or a loved one took Truvada®, Viread®, Atripla®, Complera®, or Stribild® and suffer from kidney disease, bone density loss or fractures, please call us today at (888) 984-7988 for a confidential consultation.

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Tenofovir (TDF) HIV Drug Lawsuit

Have You Suffered Kidney or Bone Damage Due to Truvada® or other HIV Treatment Drugs? Contact Our Firm to Discuss a Tenofovir Lawsuit
Biotechnology company Gilead Sciences, Inc. is embroiled in litigation concerning its HIV treatment drugs, such as Truvada® and other tenofovir disoproxyl fumurate (TDF) drugs. TDF drugs are linked to severe side-effects such as chronic kidney disease, bone density loss and fracturing. The company is being sued over accusations that it withheld a safer alternative to TDF to reap profits from booming sales.
Lawsuits allege that as early as 2001, Gilead knew of the harmful side effects of its TDF drugs but withheld the safer alternative, tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) despite the risks. Gilead’s TDF drugs include:
  • Truvada®
  • Viread®
  • Atripla®
  • Complera®
  • Stribild®

Tenofovir Lawsuits and Allegations Against Gilead Sciences, Inc.

In 2002, the FDA issued Gilead a warning letter about its TDF marketing practices. These marketing practices included giving doctors and patients false and misleading information about TDF’s side effects.
Gilead’s TAF drugs contain a lower, safer dose of tenofovir, which reduces the risk of kidney and bone injuries. According to lawsuits filed against Gilead, the company intentionally withheld TAF drugs from the market for over a decade until the patents on the TDF drugs were set to expire to protect its monopoly even though Gilead knew the TAF drugs were safer.
By needlessly delaying the release of its TAF drugs, thousands of HIV patients unnecessarily developed kidney and bone injuries.

Are You Eligible to File a Tenofovir Lawsuit?

If you took Truvada®, Viread®, Atripla®, Complera®, or Stribild® to treat or prevent HIV and experienced kidney or bone injuries, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit and seek compensation. It’s not too late to investigate your claim.

Contact Our Law Firm for a Free Confidential Case Evaluation

If you or a loved one took Truvada®, Viread®, Atripla®, Complera® or Stribild® and suffer from kidney disease, bone density loss or fractures, please contact our firm. We offer a free initial case evaluation. You can submit an online form or call us at (888) 984-7988 for a confidential evaluation of your potential claim.

Call us today for a confidential consultation.